.__ __ .___ |__| ____ ___________ ____ ____ _/ |_ ______ ____ ____ __| _/____ | |/ \ / ___/\__ \ / \_/ __ \ \ __\/ ___// ___\/ ___\ / __ |/ __ \ | | | \\___ \ / __ \| | \ ___/ | | \___ \\ \__\ \___ / /_/ \ ___/ |__|___| /____ )(____ /___| /\___ ) /\__| /____ )\___ )___ ) /\____ |\___ ) \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ programs by insane of Altair/Rabenauge/.tSCc. github: github.com/insane-rabenauge
Fujiology A demo for the V1.0 release of Lotek Style's Fujiology Project Released at Sillyventure 2013 demo compo in Gdansk - code by me - msx by lotek_style - gfx by bracket and ukko 1MB ST / Falcon030 - not CT60 compatible (movep used) [Download] [Youtube] [Demozoo] [Pouet] |
Fujiology V2.0 intro An intro for the V2.0 release of Lotek Style's Fujiology Project Released at STNICCC 2015 128k compo in Gouda - code+design by me - msx by lotek_style - gfx by bracket and ukko 1MB ST / Falcon030/060 [Download] [Youtube] [Demozoo] [Pouet] |
Demo Ports
HEX PISTOLS b20140927 Atari Falcon060 Port - uses DSPMOD 3.4 by biTmASTER/BSW [Download] [Pouet] |
PLANET HIVELY b20160107 Atari Falcon060 Port - pure SDL port [Download] [Pouet] |
STERCUS ACCIDIT b20140918 Atari Falcon060 Port - uses DSPMOD 3.4 by biTmASTER/BSW [Download] [Pouet] |
OPENJAZZ b20160119 Atari Falcon060 Port of OpenJazz - a Jazz Jackrabbit clone Still WIP as it's still very slow Jazz Jackrabbit Shareware Data files are included [Download] [OpenJazz Homepage] |
OPENTYRIAN b20140824 Atari Falcon060 Port of OpenTyrian - which is in turn a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy. WIP - music is disabled - Tyrian 2.1 Freeware Data files are included [Download] [OpenTyrian Homepage] |
SPOUT b20160114 Atari Falcon030 Port of Spout Spout is a simple caveflying game. The aim is to get as high as possible, avoiding or destroying obstacles. Supports Falcon030 RGB/VGA/CT60 JagPad/Joystick/Keyboard [Download] [Spout Homepage] |
WORMS ENGINE 060 v1.0 This is an Engine to play Worms on your Atari Falcon060 You will need the original data files - it does NOT run without them Thanks to Team17 for the friendly permission to release this engine Worms(TM). Copyright Team17 Software Ltd. Original Concept by Andy Davidson Worms(TM) and Team17 are copyrights of Team17 Software Ltd. [Download] [Get the data-files on GOG] [Get the data-files on STEAM] [DemoZoo] [Pouet] |
ZATACKA ST v1.0 a small party game for up to 4 players - ported from the c64 use your wits and left+right controls to keep your glider alive random holes in the tails will help you in risky situations last man standing wins - works on ST,STe and Falcon (TT untested) [Download] [DemoZoo] [Pouet] |
CT60 Boot ROM 1.05 20190312 A bugfixed and enhanced (Setup, CTPCI IDE Support) Boot ROM for your CT60/CT63/CT60e Based upon the Boot 1.03c codebase - do NOT use if you use PCI devices like a Radeon [Download] |
DSP Cross Dev Tools 20190129 Contains: runtos: to run TOS commandline programs under a fast emulation cldlod: converts cld to lod lod2p56: converts lod to p56 asm56000.prg: LFN modified and bugfixed version of ASM56000 v4.1.1 [Download] |
insaneBOOT boot selector 1.0 build 20200429 A boot selector which uses a configureable autoexec config file Useful if you use CF-Media and don't want any writes on configuration select [Download] [Source on GitHub] |
PARRUN for PARCP-USB v1.3 PARRUN allows you to transfer an Atari TOS executable into the Memory of your ATARI and directly execute it from there without needing any RAM-DISK or Disk Access based upon PARCP - needs PARCP-USB - executables for Windows, Linux, TOS 1.04+/Magic/MiNT as well as sources included v1.3: 77kB/s on ST - BSS bug fixed, smaller Windows executable [Download] [ParCP Homepage] |
RUSH [1541U2] Port of Singular Crew's RUSH Demo from IDE64+CDROM to 1541 Ultimate-II with Ultimate Audio+DOS [Download] [CSDB Link] |
SERCLONE SERClone allows programs (mainly GoatTracker, through a replacement hardsid.dll) to play SID sound using a real C64 connected through a cheap 3 wire serial-USB interface at 115200bps. (CA-42 compatible USB data cable) [Download] [CSDB Link] |
ZATACKA A Party Game for 2-4 Players - supporting the CGA/Protovision 4 Player Interface [Download] [CSDB Link] |
ATROPL3 Altair OPL3 - also known as "easy-fm" and "sub/fm" is an experimental 2op FM instrument editor which simulates the interface of an subtractive synthesizer. Unfinished - still missing ADT2 Instrument export and documentation [Download (DOS)] |
INADT2 ADT2 input plugin v2.4.24 for winamp b20181224 Adds decoding support for several AdLib FM chip formats to winamp and compatible players. Based upon the AdLib Tracker II play routine. Formats Supported: .A2M .A2T .AMD .CFF .DFM .FMK .HSC .MTK .RAD .S3M .SAT .SA2 .XMS [Download (WIN)] |
LLSID C64 SID Player on OPL3 - featuring pulse width simulation! Supports YMF262 Emulation (WIN) and real OPL3 (DOS) [LLSID 1.4 WIN] [LLSID 1.2 DOS] |
OPL3 Patches
EDLIBO3 a hack for the OPL2 Tracker "EDLIB" which enables OPL3 features like 8 waveforms and stereo support. Needs original Edlib composer. [Download Patch] [EDLIB on Pouet] |
RADOPL3 a hack for the OPL2 "Reality ADlib tracker" which enables access to the 8 OPL3 waveforms. Needs original RAD-Tracker. [Download Patch] [RAD on Pouet] |
Synth Experiments
SYNDER an old synth tracker experiment which tried to combine PM/FM with SID-like features not for download - cancelled project |
SYNDER2 rewrite of SYNDER with a better sound engine and user interface not for download - cancelled project |
SYNDER/PLAYER SID and AHX player based upon multiple synder sound engines Created as a sound testing environment for synder tracker [Download (WIN32/LINUX-AMD64)] |
contact: insane(dot)atari(at)gmail(dot)com
last change 04.04.2024